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Solutions: image processing & analysis
Solutions: image processing & analysis
Expertise: consulting, training & education
Expertise: consulting, training & education
Performance: Technical services & operations
Performance: Technical services & operations

We are microscopy scientists and technicians bringing you performance, expertise and solutions.  Here is our team:

Judith Lacoste, B.Sc., Ph.D., Founding President & Scientific Director

She has degrees from McGill University, and post-doctoral training (University of Virginia and McGill University).  She has been part of the McGill scientific community for several years, performing basic research in immunology, virology, oncology/cancer, cell motility, signaling and gene regulation.  She was a microscopy core facility person for several years.


Jonas Dorn, M.Sc., Ph.D., Scientific consultant

He holds a master in Material Sciences (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) and a Ph.D. in Cell Biology (The Scripps Research Institute).  He applied live cell microscopy, automated image analysis, statistical data analysis and computational modeling to study the cell division cycle.

Laurence Lejeune, M.Sc., Development and Cytometry consultant-expert

She holds a degrees from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Bio-industries) and Université du Québec à Montréal (Biochemistry).  She has extensive experience in flow cytometry and business development.  She is the co-founder of the Canadian Cytometry and Microscopy Association (CCMA).

Brian Northan, BEng., M.Sc., Image processing and analysis consultant-expert

He has 15 years experience writing biomedical image processing apps in c++, java, and matlab.  Experience with implementing modern image analysis workflows which include, pre-processing, deconvolution, segmentation, measurement and machine learning. Experience using and developing open source tools including ImageJ, KNIME, and Python.

Alain Prévost, B.Mec.Eng., Mechanical engineering consultant-expert

He holds a degree from École de technologies supérieures de Montréal.  He has over 25 years experience in maintenance of mechanical systems and as well as in business development and running.

Alain Villeneuve, Eng., Ph.D., Laser and optics consultant-expert

He has degrees from Université de Montréal – École polytechnique de Montréal and University of Arizona.  He has experience in the production and commercialisation of lasers and laser systems for medical imaging, diagnostic and treatment, and mid-infrared spectroscopy.

To reach us:

MIA Cellavie Inc.

PO Box 192, STN Anjou

Montreal QC Canada H1K 4G6

Phone: 514.352.8547